16.03.2020 • 

The story Spunk pART A: Which TWO statements best express themes in this story?A.Community members determine an individual’s social standing and identitythrough their personal judgments.B.When gossip spreads, a person should defend their reputation, no matter theconsequences.C.Killing another person, even in self-defense, is morally wrong, since all humanlife is valuable.D.Sometimes fear prevents people from taking action, but it can also push them totake risks.E.Seeking revenge for violence is the best way to ensure justice and create lastingpeace.F.It is best to put the needs of the community above the needs of the individual.2.PART B: Which TWO details from the text best support the answer to Part A?A.“‘Ah didn’t wanna shoot him but he made me do it. He’s a dirty coward, jumpin’on a man from behind.’” (Paragraph 35)B.“‘The thing got Spunk so nervoused up he couldn’t shoot.’” (Paragraph 42)C.“‘he claimed somebody pushed ‘im but ‘twant nobody close to ‘im.’” (Paragraph46)D.“‘If spirits kin fight, there’s a powerful tussle goin’ on somewhere ovah Jordan‘cause Ah b’leeve Joe’s ready for Spunk’” (Paragraph 57)E.“Joe’s father... stood leering triumphantly down upon the fallen giant”(Paragraph 58)F.“The women... wondered who would be Lena’s next. The men whispered coarseconjectures” (Paragraph 60)

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