18.12.2020 • 

The story "The Veldt" by Ray Bradbury takes place in a futuristic setting where technology does just about everything for families. The children in this story, Wendy and Peter, have a room called the nursery which is made up of five wall-sized TV screens which cover each wall and the ceiling
Every part of the room is there to make your experience inside it feel as realistic as possible. Their parents, George and Lydia, are growing more
and more concerned that their children seem to be fixated with visiting an African veldt in the nursery. Every time they go in, they see them in
the hot, dry air Watching lions feast on their prey in the background. Eventually, their parents become so concerned that they lock up the
nursery. Peter in response makes vague threats toward his father. After this, George invites over his friend, David, who is a psychologist to get
his perspective on the situation. George and David find that the children have broken into the nursery and are sitting in the African veldt again.
After analyzing the scene left in the nursery, David recommends that George shut the house off entirely. The children throw a hysterical tantrum
at having the house shut off and scream that they wish their parents were dead. Eventually their hysterics are enough to convince their parents
to let them in the nursery one last time before they leave on a vacation and shut the house off for good. When David returns to take the family
to their vacation, he finds only the children in the nursery.
Which evidence best supports the theme that relying too heavily on technology can be a bad thing?
O "I feel like I don't belong here. This house is wife and mother now, and nursemaid. Can I compete with an African velde? Can I give a bath
and scrub the children as efficiently or quickly as the automatic scrub bath can? I cannot" (Bradbury 4).
O "They were awfully young, Wendy and Peter, for death thoughts" (Bradbury 5).
O "And although their bed tried very hard, the two adults couldn't be rocked to sleep for another hour" (Bradbury 8).
O "This house which clothed and fed and rocked them to sleep and played and sang as was good to them" (Bradbury 2).
O "A psychologist never saw a fact in his life. He only hears about feelings, vague things" (Bradbury 10).

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