11.12.2020 • 

This is a free essay for a Benchmark essay about Annette Kellerman. It is about how she overcame obstacles. Well, here it is! It is already spell checked and revised. Annette Kellerman was an inspiring figure in the 18's and 1900's. She's really gone from frail and crooked legs to doing a lot of stunts and swimming for several miles! She's potentially one of the best swimmers in the country. And it started from weak to crooked legs. This proves that everyone can make their dreams come true! But let's talk more about the obstacles she overcame.

She couldn't walk first. According to "Annette the Mermaid," she had a debilitating bone condition, perhaps rickets. Yet she's signed up for swimming lessons. That's when she started swimming. Her legs have since gotten much stronger and better over time. It seems like a major challenge to be solved!

Second, when she was young, she was very sad and lonely. She'd watch the other kids play, but she'd still realize that she didn't have the chance to feel the enjoyment the other kids had. Yet she has been able to get past it. How is that? The issue was fixed because the problem of not being able to walk was resolved! Since her condition was the source of her sorrow, both swimming and getting her legs stronger fixed the issue!

Finally, in the old days, she had to contend with the disparity between men and women. Back then nobody even cared for what a woman might do. All that has changed. She's shown so much potential that it doesn't matter anymore. People were shocked anyway. And her swimsuit was prosecuted for indecency (it had only revealed her arms!) Back then fewer portions of the women's bodies could be exposed. But she won a court case, which allowed her to wear it!

Annette was quite talented and encouraging. In a 1916 newspaper, she gave some tips on swimming and an inspirational talk. She overcame very challenging issues and difficulties and was very successful! This means that we will all have a chance to do that too. What are the ways you want to succeed?

This is a free essay for a Benchmark essay about Annette Kellerman. It is about how she overcame ob

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