29.11.2021 • 

This is the dropbox icon. Assignment #1: Defining and Curing Logical Fallacies Understanding a logical fallacy often requires critically evaluating what it is saying: this means to pull it apart and point out the error in logic or reasoning.

For this exercise, you will need to create and submit a report and complete the following steps:

Find ten examples of different logical fallacies. You can search through social media, mainstream news, comics, etc... You can also create examples yourself.
Please do not use political logical fallacies, i.e. NO POLITICS ALLOWED.
Do not use "examples" of logical fallacies. You are to find, identify or create the examples on your own.
Describe and explain how each logical fallacy is present in your example.
And, finally, for each of your examples, explain how you would “cure” this logical fallacy by pointing out the logical error in the fallacy and by addressing what a logical and reasonable argument would look like, instead. For example:

Bandwagon fallacy: An argument is only appealing because of its growing popularity. For example, you are being asked to accept an argument based on peer pressure.

Example: Hey, everyone else is cheering for the Cowboys, so let’s do it too!

Cure: It is improbable that “everyone” is cheering for the same team. If you prefer a different team, don’t let others coerce you into doing or thinking their way because it is critical that one thinks for oneself.

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