07.01.2021 • 

Three things to never do while riding a bike When riding a bike, never look away
A. Looking away or at your phone will distract you from dodging obstacles or people.
B. Look out for cars on the road by focusing on the road and not getting distracted.
C. Staying alert will protect yourself and others from harm.

When riding a bike, never show off or do flashy tricks.
A. Tricks can look cool but can distract car drivers and cause an accident.
B. You can always fail and hurt yourself.
C. Showing off can inflate your ego and cause you to do even more reckless things.

When riding a bike never listen to music
A. Music can block out other noises like cars honking.
B. Music can also distract your ability to focus on the road.
C. Music listening devices will sometimes need a phone or wires to operate making steering and concentrating difficult.

Using the outline write an essay of at least 200 words with an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
Construct a short essay from the outline
In your introduction, make some mention of each point of your outline.
Write one paragraph for each of your main points.
Try to use connecting words at the end or beginning of each paragraph.
Summarize and conclude in a conclusion paragraph.

I need an example to go off so I'd love multiple answers

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