19.04.2021 • 

True Or False. 1. Anger, according to Aristotle, can never be a genuine virtue.

2. Virtue for Aristotle is an intermediate, relative to each individual, between too much and too little.

3. Aristotle recognizes "proper pride" as an appropriate virtue.

4. Aristotle thinks that some people are naturally virtuous, while others are just naturally wicked.

5. Aristotle thinks that we can become brave by doing brave actions.

6. As a mean between two extremes, the virtues for Aristotle are relatively easy to acquire if we just reason appropriately.

7. According to Aristotle, there are some actions and passions which never admit of a mean between too much and too little.

8. According to Aristotle, the moral virtues, like the intellectual virtues, are acquired through teaching.

9. Our states of character, as Aristotle explains it, are completely divorced from how well or badly off we manage our passions.

10. According to Aristotle, there are some actions and passions which never admit of a mean between too much and too little.

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