09.03.2021 • 

Uestion 1. Traveling can be a fun activity to do during the summer. You can travel within your own country or
explore other countries. With both kinds of traveling, you can see new places and people. Each place
has its own personality. You can also learn things that you would never know had you stayed at home.
When you travel within your own country, you can learn what makes your country different from
others. On the other hand, learning about other countries allows you to appreciate other cultures. In
addition, traveling your own country will be less costly because you don't need to fly a far distance,
However, going to other countries can become expensive. Sometimes, this kind of journey requires a
flight overseas. For a quick trip, touring your country may be more practical because you are more
familiar with the culture. In contrast, foreign countries may require more time because you are learning
customs and may be a new language. Whatever trip you choose to take, you will definitely learn
something new
How is this passage organized?
A compare and contrast traveling in one's country is compared to traveling abroad
B. classification because the topic of countries is divided into subtopics about expenses
c. definition because traveling is defined and the customs of countries are explained
D. cause and effect because the effects of traveling during the summer are described

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