30.08.2021 • 

Underline the verb and tell me if the verb is a Passive Voice or a Active Voice. When writing a report, or any other formal text, it is best to use the active voice. This means that your sentences are constructed so that the subject of the sentence is performing the action.

ACTIVE VOICE EXAMPLE: His fans adore him.

The sentence above is written in the active voice, meaning that His fans is the subject of the sentence, and adore is in the active voice.

In the passive voice, the subject of the sentence is acted on by the verb.

PASSIVE VOICE EXAMPLE: He is adored by his fans.

Here, the fans still adore him, but He is now the subject of the sentence, and is adored in the passive voice.

DIRECTIONS: Underline the verb in each sentence. Then, write A if the verb is in the active voice or P if the verb is in the passive voice.

1. Yesterday, we celebrated Mom’s birthday.

2. Decorations were put up all over the house.

3. I baked a cake and Thomas bought flowers.

4. A lovely dinner was made.

5. After dinner, we made a fire and enjoyed each other's company.

6. Mom said she was excited to see everyone.

7. At almost one in the morning we realized the time.

8. Mom went to bed, tired but happy.

9. The kitchen was cleaned the next day.

10. A grand time was had by all.

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