15.12.2020 • 

Unit Summative Living in an Unjust World: Antigone

For your unit summative, you may work by yourself, with one other student, or with two other students. You will be writing a play in the form of a miniature Greek tragedy but telling a modern story. Your play should center on this unit’s inquiry statement: “ A community’s ability to treat its citizens justly is affected by the point of view of its leaders.” If you would like your play to take on a humorous tone (in other words a spoof on the traditional Greek tragedy) it may. Normally I would ask you to also perform your play, but that could violate our social distancing protocols. Since this is the case, you will need to put more effort into the written construction of your play. It should have the following sections:


Scene 1

Ode 1

Scene 2

Ode 2


If you choose to write a longer play with more scenes/odes that is fine.

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