17.04.2021 • 

Upton Sinclair's 1906 novel, The Jungle, depicts the difficult lives of immigrants in the U.S. Sinclair describes the poverty, unjust and
deplorable living and working conditions, and corruption among people
with power. The book was first published in serial form in a socialist
newspaper, Appeal to Reason, and was dedicated to "Workingmen of
America". The following quote is an excerpt from The Jungle:
"Into this wild-beast tangle these men had been born without their
consent, they had taken part in it because they could not help it, that they
were in jail was no disgrace to them, for the game had never been fair,
the dice were loaded. They were swindlers and thieves of pennies and
dimes, and they had been trapped and put out of the way by the
swindlers and thieves of millions of dollars," (Sinclair).
Which of the following best describes the rhetor's choice of strategies in
order to communicate with his most likely primary audience of
social activists and educated adults?

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