17.07.2019 • 

Use the two maps below to answer the question: map of europe and north africa labeled, spread of christianity. dark green indicates christian areas, 325 ce. the dark green areas are small, isolated patches surrounding the mediterranean sea. light green indicates christian areas added by 476 ce. most of spain, gaul, italy, greece, and asia minor are light green. the light green extends to the european inland, and as far north as parts of great britain. it also extends to part of egypt and syria, and the north african mediterranean coast. a grey line indicates the boundaries of the roman empire, 476 ce. this line extends around the mediterranean, from north africa in the south, beyond jerusalem to the east, and into northern gaul. © 2012 the exploration company map image showing the growth of rome. the map shows the original roman republic in 500 bce shaded in dark green, imperial gains by 264 bce shaded in kelly green, imperial gains in 146 bce shaded in medium green, imperial gains by 44 bce shaded in light green, and the extent of the roman empire by 107 ce shaded in light yellow. the map shows dark green shading in the area right around rome. the map shows kelly green shading in the italian peninsula. the map shows medium green shading in carthage, sicily, sardinia, corsica, greece, macedonia, and spain. the map shows light green shading in gaul, asia minor, syria, and numidia. the map shows light yellow shading all along the north african coast, in britain, and in southern europe. © 2012 the exploration company what might have contributed to the growth of christianity in the roman empire? the romans forced citizens in conquered lands to convert to their religion. surrounding areas became christian to remain on good terms with the romans. the growth of the roman empire led to the spread of ideas and belief systems.

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