05.05.2020 • 

“We Grow Accustomed to the Dark” Emily Dickinson

We grow accustomed to the Dark —

When light is put away —

As when the Neighbor holds the Lamp

To witness her Goodbye —

A Moment — We uncertain step

For newness of the night —

Then — fit our Vision to the Dark —

And meet the Road — erect —

And so of larger — Darknesses —

Those Evenings of the Brain —

When not a Moon disclose a sign —

Or Star — come out — within

The Bravest — grope a little —

And sometimes hit a Tree

Directly in the Forehead —

But as they learn to see —

Either the Darkness alters —

Or something in the sight

Adjusts itself to Midnight —

And Life steps almost straight.

1. Compare and contrast how both Vincent van Gogh's painting The Starry Night and Emily Dickinson's poem "We Grow Accustomed to the Dark" treat the subjects of light and darkness. Be sure to explain how both artists rely on a tension between light and darkness in these works/mediums. (attached is the painting so you may refer back as needed)

“We Grow Accustomed to the Dark” Emily DickinsonWe grow accustomed to the Dark —When light is put aw

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