29.04.2021 • 

What does Sal believe may have caused her mother to lose her baby? How might that belief affect Sal’s feelings? What does Sal see on the roof of Mary Lou’s garage? Why does she say, "It made me feel peculiar."? What mystery does the myth of Pandora’s box explain? Why may this story have such an effect on Sal? What story does the poem "The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls" tell? Why does Sal analyze it in class "as if it was my poem"? Why do Ben, Phoebe, and Sal all have different reactions to this poem? What does Sal learn about Mrs. Cadaver’s husband? How does this alter her attitude toward Mrs. Cadaver? What theme does this reinforce? Compare and contrast dinner at the Finney’s house to dinner at the Winterbottom’s house. Which family do you think Sal’s is most like? Explain. How do the myths of Prometheus and Pandora’s box relate to the stories of Phoebe and Sal? What is the Native American Myth of Napi about? What does it have in common with the myth of Prometheus? What lesson is Sal supposed to learn from these myths? Phoebe is not portrayed as a likeable character in this section, yet Sal remains loyal to her. What fact about Phoebe’s situation influences Sal’s loyalty to her? Do you feel that the Author has make Phoebe a believable character? Explain using proof from the book.

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