04.05.2021 • 

What is biased in the statements below? How does the author create bias? Explain your answer on the line below the statement by identifying how bias is created. Use the information on the student notes to help you. Remember to look for subjective language, fact/opinion, arguable statements, and generalizations. An example has been done for you. What Example: Lima beans are a delightful addition to breakfast cereal. This statement is made biased because of the subjective word "delightful." Not everyone finds lima beans "delightful." This statement can be argued and shows that the writer has a bias in favor of lima beans.
1. Dogs make better pets than cats.
2. Television is educational.
3. It is better to stay indoors and play video games than to go outside and take a walk.
4. Tennis is the perfect sport for all students.
5. Students prefer wearing uniforms to school since they don't need to worry about what they'll
wear each day.
6. Homework is important.
7. Sports drinks will improve your performance on the playing field.
8. Violent video games lead to violent behavior.

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