10.12.2020 • 

What is MOST LIKELY the author's purpose in the passage below? Our master was a good, kind man. He gave us good food, good lodging, and kind words; he
spoke as kindly to us as he did to his little children. We were all fond of him, and my mother
loved him very much. When she saw him at the gate she would neigh with joy, and trot up to
him. He would pat and stroke her and say, "Well, old Pet, and how is your little Darkie?" I was
a dull black, so he called me Darkie; then he would give me a piece of bread, and sometimes
he brought a carrot for my mother. All the horses would come to him, but I think we were his
O to show how someone feels in a situation
O to represent a unique point of view
O to give an opinion about a social issue
O to express an idea or insight about life

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