18.03.2021 • 

What is the main idea? 3
Thumbelina Excerpt By Hans Christian Andersen
During the whole summer poor little Thumbelina
lived quite alone in the wide forest. She wove
herself a bed with blades of grass, and hung it
up under a broad leaf, to protect herself from
the rain. She sucked the honey from the flowers
for food and drank the dew from their leaves
every morning. So passed away the summer
and the autumn, and then came the winter
the long, cold winter. All the birds who had sung
to her so sweetly were flown away, and the
trees and the flowers had withered. The large
clover leaf under the shelter of which she had
lived, was now rolled together and shriveled up
nothing remained but a yellow withered stalk,
She felt dreadfully cold, for her clothes were
torn, and she was herself so trail and delicate
that poor little Thumbelina was nearly frozen 11
began to snow and the snow-fiakes, as they fell
upon her were like a whole shoveltul falling
upon one of us for we are tall but she was only
an inch high
A Thumbelina did not know
how to care for herself.
B Thumbelina had a very hard
C Thumbelina enjoyed her life in
the forest
D Thumbelina tried to survive on her
own in the foresti

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