14.10.2020 • 

Which lines from Brighton Beach Memoirs help the audience understand the historical setting? A.Listen, I hope you don't repeat this to anybody... What I'm telling you are my secret memoirs. It's called, "The Unbelievable, Fantastic and Completely Private Thoughts of I, Eugene Morris Jerome..."
B."Attention, ladeees and gentlemen! Today's game will be delayed because of my Aunt Blanche's headache..."
C.Was I fresh? I swear ... that's what she said to me yesterday... One day I'm going to put all this in a book or a play.
D. I'm going to be a writer like Ring Lardner or somebody -- that's if things don't work out first with the Yankees, or the Cubs, or the Red Sox, or maybe possibly the Tigers... If I get down to the St. Louis Browns, then I'll definitely be a writer.

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