25.10.2021 • 

Which of the following details does NOT support the theme of the story? (Marigolds) A)
“I scrambled to my feet and just stood there and stared at her, and that was
the moment when childhood faded and womanhood began."
"I gazed upon a kind of reality which is hidden to childhood. The witch was
no longer a witch but only a broken old woman who had dared to create
beauty in the midst of ugliness and sterility."
C)“I know that that moment marked the end of innocence. Innocence
involves an unseeing acceptance of things at face value, an ignorance of
the area below the surface. In that humiliating moment I looked beyond
myself and into the depths of another person."
"I don't know why I should remember only the dust. Surely there must have
been lush green lawns and paved streets under leafy shade trees
somewhere in town; but memory is an abstract painting-it does not
present things as they are, but rather as they feel."

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