04.12.2019 • 

Which of the following is true about this argument excerpt?

it is respectful in tone to the audience and supports its claim with specific, credible evidence.
it contains specific, credible evidence but uses a disrespectful tone that should be edited.
it fails to support its claim with specific, credible evidence and uses a disrespectful tone.
it uses a respectful tone but needs specific, credible evidence to support the claim.
question 7(multiple choice worth 5 points)

which of the following should you do to make your argument effective?

compare the opposite side's views to something unpleasant.
include only general details the audience will understand.
use specific details to refute the opposite side's views.
appeal strongly to the emotions of your audience.
question 8(multiple choice worth 5 points)

your friend is adding to her argument that favors teens owning smartphones. which of the following is the most respectful, relevant, and credible statement that could add to her argument?

students who use mobile devices to study spend 40 more minutes studying per week.
only one in four teens has experienced bullying "through a mobile device or the internet."
the cyber bullying research center reports that more than 80 percent of teens use a cell phone regularly.
dr. meryl ain says, "smartphones can be powerful learning tools, instantly connecting users to information."
question 9(multiple choice worth 5 points)

imagine you are writing an argument to convince others that people should become vegetarians. you want people to stop eating meat and start eating nuts and beans for protein. which group of people can you expect to support you without even reading your argument?

cattle ranch owners
fast food executives
state level lawmakers
animal rights supporters
question 10(multiple choice worth 5 points)

imagine your friend's cousin writes a rebuttal argument to her claim in favor of teens owning smartphones. read his argument excerpt and answer the question that follows:

smartphone ownership among teens is certainly on the rise. yet there is reason for caution. teens are showing signs of smartphone addiction. a survey by textplus found that half of teens "couldn't live without their mobile devices for a week, while 36 percent said they weren't able to go 10 minutes without checking their phones." all this time on the devices creates more chances for problems. smartphones and social media have been linked to serious cases of cyber bullying. some students have been hurt or worse. a school superintendent in california, j. thomas morton, sent a letter to parents. he asked them to monitor their teens' use of all electronic devices, as cyber bullying incidents are on the rise.

which of the following is true about this argument excerpt?

it is respectful in tone to the audience and supports its claim with specific, credible evidence.
it contains specific, credible evidence but uses a disrespectful tone that should be edited.
it fails to support its claim with specific, credible evidence and uses a disrespectful tone.
it uses a respectful tone but needs specific, credible evidence to support the claim.

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