04.09.2020 • 

Which of the following quotes best supports the answer to Part A? A. “I am a combat infantry veteran from World War II, and hold a Purple Heart... I

am so much trusted with young people and by young people that I have served

on the faculties of the University of Iowa, Harvard, and the City College of New

York.” (Paragraph 5)

B. “And we all know, too, that those words really don’t damage children much.

They didn’t damage us when we were young. It was evil deeds and lying that

hurt us.” (Paragraph 6)

C. “books are sacred to free men for very good reasons, and that wars have been

fought against nations which hate books and burn them. If you are an American,

you must allow all ideas to circulate freely” (Paragraph 8)

D. “If you and your board are now determined to show... maturity when you

exercise your powers over the education of your young, then you should

acknowledge that it was a rotten lesson you taught young people”

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