18.05.2021 • 

Which one is correct? Read the excerpt:
I never knew her real name...I never heard her called anything but Gold Teeth. She did, indeed, have gold teeth. She had sixteen of them. She had married early and she had married well, and shortly after her marriage she exchanged her perfectly sound teeth for gold ones, to announce to the world that her husband was a man of substance. Even without her gold teeth my aunt would have been noticeable...Of Hinduism she knew little apart from the ceremonies and the taboos, and this was enough for her. Gold Teeth saw God as a Power, and religious ritual as a means of harnessing that Power for great practical good, her good.The fact was that Gold Teeth had no children, and she was almost forty. It was her childlessness, not her fat, that oppressed her, and she prayed for the curse to be removed. She was willing to try any means—any ritual, any prayer—in order to trap and channel the supernatural Power.

How does Aunt Gold Teeth's culture influence her actions?

{} In her culture, being unattractive is considered a sin; she considers prayer to be the only way to please her husband and his family.

{} Aunt Gold Teeth's culture believes that religion is the most important thing and reveres those who pray often.

{} In her culture, a woman's worth depends on her ability to have children; she is willing to try anything to accomplish her goal.

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