13.11.2020 • 

Which sentence best describes the central idea of this excerpt from In the Beginning: Creation Stories from Around the World? The classic opening, although not the only opening, of a creation myth is “In the beginning . . .” The most striking purpose of a creation myth is to explain something. Yet it also asks questions and gives reasons why groups of people perform certain rituals and live in a particular way. Creation myths describe a place and time impossible for us to see for ourselves. People everywhere have creation myths, revealing how they view themselves to themselves in ways that are movingly personal.

A creation myth unites different cultures with a common story.
A creation myth unites different cultures with a common story.

Most creation myths start with the same sentence.
Most creation myths start with the same sentence.

Creation myths have several different purposes.
Creation myths have several different purposes.

Each creation myth provides an explanation for a specific ritual.

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