26.02.2020 • 

Which sentence should be added at the beginning of this
paragraph to introduce the writer's point?

Read the paragraph.

Enkidu, who had met the beast, warned Gilgamesh of the dangers involved, explaining that Gilgamesh did not know the horror that lurks ahead." Upon seeing the beast Humbaba, Gilgamesh himself became seized with dread and terror. However, despite Enkidu's warning and his own temporary paralysis upon seeing Humbaba, Gilgamesh charged at Humbaba with his axe. He demonstrated that he was able to summon the bravery necessary to overcome his fear and attack the frightening beast.

A. Even though he had seen Humbaba before, Enkidu was
just as horrified by the monster's appearance as
Gilgamesh was.

B.Gilgamesh demonstrated his abilities as an effective and compelling leader and speaker on several occasions.

C.Two men embarked on a long and dangerous journey to the Cedar Forest in hopes of defeating the beast

D.Gilgamesh proved his bravery when he engaged in
battle with a strong and fierce antagonist

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