17.07.2021 • 

Which topic sentence would best fit the following paragraph? A recent study tested the brain activity of people who had
been kept awake for 24 hours. Doctors were surprised
when they saw that people were able to use different parts
of their brain when they were tired. Researchers say it is
good news that the brain can change and use different
parts when one part is tired. However, the brain will
eventually shut down without enough rest.
A. People who do not get a good night's sleep can think clearly the
next day, but they shouldn't make it a habit.
B. Most people agree that getting enough sleep is important for
staying healthy
C. A recent study compared how the brain works in well-rested
versus tired people, and the results are surprising.
D. It is better to take two four-hour naps in a day than to sleep for
eight hours at a time, doctors say.

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