12.04.2020 • 

Which two statements best describe the purpose of this passage?
When evacuees arrived at the camps, they found row on row of identical barracks in bleak settings of desert or swamp. Although they could do little about the extremes of heat and cold they encountered, they quickly found ways to improve and personalize their new lodgings, first to make them habitable, and later to make them into homes. They planted trees, hedges, flower borders, vegetables, gourds, vines, and cactus. Artist Kango Takamura was one of the first evacuees to arrive at Manzanar. He described what he found, and what happened: "Oh, it's really so hot, you see, and the wind blows. There's no shade at all. It's miserable, really. But one year after, it's quite a change. A year after they built the camp and put water there, the green grows up. And mentally everyone is better." Making physical changes in the environment was an important way to take some measure of control over their own lives and to create a sense of normality in their abnormal situation.

to convey that, with some effort, even a desert can be made home
to describe how difficult it was to live in the desert barracks
to convey that the evacuees’ efforts transformed the barracks
to show that the evacuees enjoyed decorating the barracks
to show that the evacuees lived in a place with extreme weather

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