01.03.2021 • 

Who is the audience of this passage? What is the topic and why is it a problem?
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What is the explanation of where this problem occurs and why people should care about it?
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According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control, 68.8% of all American adults are now overweight or obese (Marks, 3). Think about that for a minute. That means, for every ten people in a crowd, six are overweight. What has happened to our health, America? The answer to that question is simple: Fast food. Some people see fast food as a convenient way to get a full meal on the go, but they’re not considering the grave health risks of such decisions. Despite calorie counts on menu boards, and “healthy” alternative options Americans are still getting more and more obese each year. Since the mid 1900s fast food has become an all-too familiar meal choice for the American family. With high calorie, low cost meals, an alternative price is paid – our health (“You’re Not Wrong: Our Diet Has Changed”). We need to make a change. The Federal Drug and Food Administration needs to more strictly regulate the types of food fast food restaurants are allowed to sell, so that Americans can make better decisions when eating out, thus lowering the overall obesity rate in America.

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