02.09.2021 • 

● Who is the main character, or if the book is nonfiction, who or what is it about? What motivates the main character? What is the main conflict the character or main figure endures?
● How does the main character or figure change during the course of the book?
● Where and when does the book take place? When? How is the setting significant, or not?
● What are the most significant moments in the text? Think about flashbacks, conversations, symbols, realizations
that change the course of the book.
● Why do you think the author wrote this book? Can you identify the theme or central idea?
● What do you think of how the book ends? Is it satisfying or frustrating? Why do you think the author decided to
end the book the way he/she did?
● If you could ask the author of this book a question, what would it be? Why would that question be important to

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