20.02.2021 • 

Who wants to date emmy??? she is 12 years old and dis her type......... she single as.f (sorry emmy) and would like a bf her TYPE is
white boys, brown blue or green eyes, loves to cuddle and go to Starbucks dates, 11-13 (maybe 14 id;k), sporty or normal, not nerdy, loves teenage drama books, no glasses or braces, plays basketball.

Who wants to date emmy??? she is 12 years old and dis her type......... she single as.f (sorry emmy
Who wants to date emmy??? she is 12 years old and dis her type......... she single as.f (sorry emmy
Who wants to date emmy??? she is 12 years old and dis her type......... she single as.f (sorry emmy

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