04.12.2020 • 

Why is it better to have online text book than a physical one. Sources:Benefits of Digital Textbooks

For decades, students have used print textbooks in the classroom, making textbook publishing a huge industry in the United States. As tablets have become more popular, school districts debate whether they should switch from print textbooks to digital textbooks on tablets. Those who want digital textbooks say that tablets can hold more content in a small amount of space and that using a tablet is more intuitive than a textbook for students today. They also argue that digital textbooks are cheaper than print textbooks.

Did you know that hundreds of textbooks can be downloaded on a single tablet? In addition, class notes, homework, tests, and other files can be stored on the tablet, eliminating the need for paper and other materials in the classroom.

Digital textbooks cost less than print textbooks. An average six-year subscription to a digital textbook is $45 to $55; while the average price of a print textbook is approximately $70. Trends show that while the cost of print textbooks continues to rise, digital textbook prices continue to drop.

Research shows that students learn faster when using tablets. According to the US Department of Education and studies by the National Training and Simulation Association, students take 30-80% less time to reach a learning objective with technology-based instruction.

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