09.02.2021 • 

WRITE A THREE PARAGRAPH SUMMARY ABOUT WHAT YOU LEARNED FROM THIS PASSAGE. YOUR SUMMARY MUST INCLUDE DETAILS FROM THE PASSAGE. THE SUMMARY MUST BE WRITTEN IN YOUR OWN WORDS. 2.The Predator and Reaper are prized for their ability to hover thousands of feet above a target for hours and relay high-resolution live surveillance. The Predator was first deployed by NATO convoys as a surveillance and intelligence gathering tool for spotting Serbian artillery during the Bosnian war in 1995, while the Reaper was first deployed in 2007 during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

3.CIA and JSOC Drone Operation Drones used for strike operations abroad are flown by both civilians –intelligence officers and private contractors – in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and experienced Air Force pilots under the military's Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC). The CIA operates on its own in Pakistan, where approximately 80% of US drone strikes have been carried out. JSOC currently has responsibility for drones in Afghanistan and Somalia, and co-responsibility with the CIA for drones in Yemen. One set of operators works abroad handling takeoffs and landings near hidden airfields in countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Niger,Ethiopia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Djibouti.

4.Once the drones are aloft, controls are electronically "slewed over" to a set of"reachback operators" in the United States. Using joysticks that

resemble video-game controls, the reachback operators sit next to

intelligence officers and watch a live video feed from the drone’s camera

on large flat-screen monitors. They can turn the drone, zoom in on the

landscape below, and decide whether to lock onto a target.

A stream of additional "signal intelligence," sent by the National Security

Agency, provides electronic means of confirming that a target has been

correctly identified.

5.Final approval for strikes with missiles or laser guided bombs is delegated to CIA and JSOC officials. Drone pilots are

eligible for the same combat-related medals from the Department of Defense as manned aircraft pilots.

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