10.07.2019 • 

Write the corrected sentence. she closed the book and looked at the clock she had finished reading the elder brothers at exactly 1200 am. write the corrected sentence. oxygen was descovered in 1772 by the sweedish chemist, carl scheele, but he withheld the information until 2 years later when joseph priestly made the same descovery. write the corrected sentence. hey elena asked steven baron sr. as we unpacked did you forget the grapes. you forgot the t shirts, too? oh, brother write the corrected sentence. the lungfish an unusual animal has both lungs and gills therefore it can breath eather underwater or on land. write the corrected sentence. correction hints: comma (around a nonrestrictive phrase), using the right word, dashes (around additional information) holistic medicine which includes treatments such as acupuncture and aromatherapy focuses on treating the hole person body and mind rather then just the effected part. can you guys write the corrected sentences, so i can see if i got the right answer. you guys can write all 5 questions.

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