29.04.2021 • 

You are Lieutenant Governor Dinwiddie of Virginia, which means that you are the second most powerful member of the colonial government. Having an important job is great, but it doesn’t pay for the expensive clothes that your children want. Your daughters are getting older—old enough to get married—and they want to look beautiful all the time so they can attract a rich husband. You want them to be happy, so you need to find a way to make more money.
To make more money, you decide to sell land out west in the Ohio Valley (see the map below). Because you’re the Lieutenant Governor, you have the power to give a company the right to sell that land. You then become the president of the new Ohio Company so you can get rich selling that land in the Ohio Valley to the colonists. This plan works well, and you are able to make your children very happy.
The only problem with your scheme is that the French colonists in New France think that they own the land. To show how serious they are about keeping the land, the French send 800 soldiers and start building forts in the Ohio Valley.

Should Lt. Governor Dinwiddie be allowed to sell that land in the Ohio Valley? Why/why not?

How should Lt. Governor Dinwiddie respond to what the French are doing in the Ohio Valley?

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