12.02.2020 • 

You have read three pieces in this lesson that address the fact that the planet is running out of resources to support a growing global population. One text – "Famine is a Feminist Issue" – offered a potential solution to some of the problems posed by overpopulation, suggesting that increasing women’s access to education will lead to a reduction in famine and slower population growth. In this discussion, you will focus on how technological advances might also mitigate or lessen the strain on the planet’s resources caused by overpopulation.

Let's check out Dakota's post.
New technology could greatly aid the effort to create the necessary resources for the planet to support its growing population. For instance, we might increase our reliance on hydroponic farming. Hydroponic farming grows crops without soil, instead delivering water and food to plants via a nutrient-rich solution. Thus, hydroponics lets farmers grow crops in dry areas or regions where traditional farming is impossible. Additionally, hydroponic farming is highly efficient in terms of the area it requires to produce food, using just a fraction of the space that traditional farms need.

Create one post in answer to the following prompt:
The global population is growing. As a result, the resources needed to support people are dwindling. How might technology and technological advances be harnessed to make the most of the planet’s resources and support its expanding population? Describe at least one possible technological solution to the problems caused by overpopulation.

Create two posts replying to your peers.
Read and respond to two classmates' posts by probing and reflecting on their proposals. Were their solutions different from yours? What did you learn from the solutions they suggested?

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