11.05.2021 • 

Can you please help me fill in the work below? thank you! Read the sentences aloud, filling in the blanks with the correct words. Note the hints in parentheses and remember to include the appropriate articles.
1. Si, j'ai envie de suspense, je lis
2. Je peux emprunter un livre gratuitement ou étudier dans un coin tranquille à
3. J'ai hâte de préparer mon prochain séjour au Maroc. J'ai besoin de consulter

Read the sentences aloud, filling in the blanks with the correct relative pronouns.
4. Je viens de croiser le chien m'a mordu l'année dernière.
5. La BD tu m'as offerte est à mourir de rire!

Read the sentences aloud, filling in the blanks below with the correct form of the noun or adjective in bold. It is not necessary to include any article.
6. The plural of chou is:

7. The plural of travail is:

8. The feminine form of gardien is:

9. The feminine form of coiffeur is:

10. The feminine form of frais is:

Translate the following sentences into French. Use an idiomatic expression in each of your translations.
11. I went through hard times in the beginning.

12. His essays are selling like hot cakes.

13. She made fun of him.

Reconfigure the sentences below to be in the feminine form, remembering to change the articles. Say each sentence aloud.
14. Le caissier naïf parle à son gentil patron.

Reconfigure the sentences below to be in the plural form, remembering to change the articles. Say each sentence aloud.
15. Je trouve que l'oeil du hibou est doux.

Translate the following sentences into French. Remember that in French, the relative pronoun is never implicit.
16. The mice that ate my cheese are deceptive. (Tip: "mouse" is a feminine noun in French.)

17. The female lecturer you are watching is beautiful.

Use inversion to orally compose the questions that correspond to the answers below.
18. Oui, il y a beaucoup d'oiseaux dans cette grange.
19. Oui, elle a écrit un nouveau roman.
20. Non, il ne va pas bien aujourd'hui.

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