25.07.2019 • 

Sedimentary rock classification clastic & bioclastic textures comments size clast texture rounding sorting rock name composition large angular clasts - less transport > 2 mm sedimentary breccia gravel angular poor deposition environmei alluvial fan variable alluvial fan, stres beach large rounded clasts - more transport > 2 mm variable conglomerate gravel rounded poor dunes, stream clastic "clean" sandstone - more transport 2-1/16 mm sand quartz quartz sandstone rounded well alluvial fan, strea "dirty" sandstone - less transport arkose 2-1/16 mm sand feldspar, quartz, etc. angular mod-poor floodplain, delta shallow 8 deep ma may split apart along bedding, may or may not "fizz", easily scratched mudstone < 1/16 mm well mud beach > 2mm gravel shells shells poor poorly-cemented shell fragments poor coquine bioclastic shallow-deep mar < 1/16 mm mud shells - well microscopic shells; "earthy chalk chemical & biochemical textures texture composition hardness color rock name comments deposition environmel shallow marine, la calcite caco, h=3 variable limestone will "fizz", can be scratched by a nail dolomite /camg(co3)2 h=3 variable dolomite will not "fizz" unless scratched, can be scratched by a nail nearshore marin chemical silica/sioz h=7 variable chert will not "fizz", not scratched by a nail deep sea halte / naci gypsumn / caso4*2h20 h=2.5 h=2 clear-variable white-variable vertete evaporites evaporitos soft, non-metallic minerals; halite is "salty" playa bio altered organic remains soft brown-black coal light in weight swamp w luumfication exercise 1 sample etter composition (use chart on page 12) rock name texture and other distinctive features & bloclastic textures texture sedimentary rock classification size ciast comments composition rounding sorting rock name normada 21 d . , w odpo biodlastic poor chemical & biochemical textures texture composition hardness color rock name comments depot chemical e h-25 you caso300 wered organic o rock name sample composition (use chart on page texture and other distinctive features letter 12)

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