11.10.2019 • 

Summary of learning objectives cyres exist on bot pacitic and the th is warmed by the thrwugh theequator and dlutuins pdnet bgin toods and the surt im bhe waners of the north arlant warmer than would otherwise be possible. the increie tion of greenhouse gases key termis: gyre upwaling e niho-southern greenhouse effect and leads to global warming key termst atmouphere greenhouse offect rey termnal chaon oh sy of the atmohhiheo expeviene les precipitation than th key terms: albedo, solar equtor, regression 5.5 and local climates, increased land ares of continafer s.2 there is an unequal heating of earth by the sun eachhemisphertyure yreac high-lacitude regions of the world recelve solar radiasion thatpheritao n tempeoreipitation on one side ot with a less direct angle, which causes the energy of the path through the atmosphemphee ave more distane from coustlies tycalhaveleg spread overa and u larper area iin addition the axis of earth is tited 23.5over henshadon this causes seasonal changes in temperature terms: atcental mid-latitud tain shadow tropical climate, dry clima 5.3 the unequal heating of earth drives air currents inlar cinderlyinf rizons that contal 60 to gor thrdiversity of soils. sols are made up of horizons thar, to by crol ce tcan be wewchernd by processes including freezing, thaw 5.6 climate and the diferent amounts of organic matte, nutrients, and podiolization a process that breaks down cla known as hadley cells between the northem and southern hemispheres. polar cels are at highernt ipproximately o to 3 latitude bn curments cause the distribution of heat and preoipitation around the globe. their path leaching s also influenced by corioli fonces that are ceated by the rotation of earth key terms: atmospheric convection currents, cells, intertropical convergence zone (tcz), polar cells, corlolis efflect nents ertility in warm, humid climanes, sovls can experience saturation pointprocess phat breaks down clay particles and leaches point latent heat release, adiabatic cooling adiabatic heating hadley key terms: soil, parent material, horizon, lea 5.4 ocean currents also affect the distribution of cation exchange capacity, podsolization, laterizat climates. ocean curnents are driven by the unequal warming of earth combined with coriolis effects, atmospherik convection critical thinking questions 1. of the many diffeent types of greenhouse gases which oneswill how do ocean gynesaffecthe pattern of plant hardiness ikely decline faster if we reduce their production? north america? 2. some sources of air pollution produce tiny black particles that 7. why do bi niño and la niña events cause opposite can be transported around the world and settle on regions covered clmates around the world? in snow and ice based on the albedo efflect how might this a pollution contibute to warming gl ce caps, and rising sea levels? weather obul temperabues, melting polar 8. bused on your knowledge of the thermohaline might melting of europe? 9. what are the processes that are responsible for the locations the world's major deserts? 10. compare and contrast podsolization and laterization. might melting of the ice in the arctic ocean affect the ice in the arctic ocean affect the climate of not tilted on its axils, how would it affect the seasonality of rainfall at the equator? what parallels can you draw between the processes that drive hadley cells versus rain shadows? 5. if there was coriolis convection currents and oceancument no coriolis effect, how would it affect atmospheric

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