13.10.2021 • 

The Galapagos Islands were formed from underwater volcanic activity. The islands initially were barren, supporting no life, and then they went through a series of colonization stages. The equilibrium model of island biogeography states that the species composition on an island will constitute a balance between the immigration and extinction rates. Based on the equilibrium model of island biogeography, indicate if the following statements concerning succession on the islands are predicted to be true or false. a. K-selected species will arrive earlier as they are better dispersers than r-selected species.
b. Species arriving later might outcompete earlier arriving species, driving them to extinction.
c. The number of species on an island decreases as a function of the distance from the source-pool (in this case, mainland South America).
d. The number of immigrants will increase the closer the island is to the source.
e. The rate of extinction will be lower on smaller islands due to small population sizes and less competition.
f. The number of species on an island will increase with the increasing size of the island.

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