20.06.2023 • 
Health and Medicine

How to perform artificial respiration?


Artificial respiration is a lifesaving technique that can help a person who has stopped breathing. It is essential to know how to perform artificial respiration in emergency situations because it can save a person's life until professional medical help arrives.

What is artificial respiration?

Artificial respiration, also known as rescue breathing, is a technique that helps to move air in and out of a person's lungs when they have stopped breathing on their own. It can be used in any situation where a person is not breathing or not breathing adequately.

When is artificial respiration needed?

Artificial respiration is usually needed when a person is unconscious or has difficulty breathing due to an injury, illness, or other medical condition. It can also be used in cases of drowning or any other incident that causes a person to stop breathing.

How to do artificial respiration?

Artificial respiration involves several steps. First, check the person's airway to make sure that it is clear of any obstruction. Then, tilt the person's head back and lift their chin to open the airway. Next, cover the person's mouth with yours, making sure to create a seal. Breathe into the person's mouth for one second, allowing the chest to rise, then release. Repeat the process every five seconds until professional medical help arrives.

What are the different methods of artificial respiration?

There are two main methods of artificial respiration: mouth-to-mouth and mouth-to-nose. Mouth-to-mouth is the most commonly used method and involves covering the person's mouth with your own. Mouth-to-nose is used when a person has a mouth injury or obstruction, and you cannot make a seal over their mouth. In this case, you cover their nose with your mouth and breathe into their nostrils.


Artificial respiration is a vital life-saving technique that can help a person who has stopped breathing. It is essential to know how to perform artificial respiration in case of an emergency. Remember always to check for obstructions in the person's airway and cover their mouth or nose with yours and breathe every five seconds until professional medical help arrives.


  1. What causes a person to stop breathing?
  2. A person can stop breathing due to illness, injury, choking, suffocation, drowning, or any other incident that affects their ability to breathe.

  3. Can anyone perform artificial respiration?
  4. Yes, anyone can perform artificial respiration. However, it is recommended to receive training in first aid techniques to know-how and when to apply artificial respiration correctly.

  5. How many times should I breathe into the person's mouth or nose?
  6. You should breathe into the person's mouth or nose once every five seconds until professional medical help arrives.

  7. Is artificial respiration painful?
  8. No, artificial respiration is not painful. It is a gentle technique that involves moving air in and out of a person's lungs to help them breathe.

  9. What should I do if the person vomits during artificial respiration?
  10. If the person vomits during the artificial respiration process, turn them onto their side to let the vomit drain out of their mouth. Continue with artificial respiration if the person is still not breathing.

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