20.06.2023 • 
Health and Medicine

Why do our Joints Crack?

The Crackling Sound

Have you ever cracked your knuckles and heard that popping sound? Or bent down to pick something up and felt a cracking sensation in your knees? Did you ever wonder what causes that sound and sensation of cracking in our joints?

The Science Behind Novement

Our body is equipped with synovial fluid which is responsible for lubricating the joints and availing necessary nutrients for their upkeep. Synovial fluid contains dissolved oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide gas bubbles which become like tiny explosions as our joints move. The cracking sound and feeling is actually the sound of these gas bubbles bursting, accompanied by the movement of fluid and soft tissue. The sound, however, is associated with gas bubbles, not bones.

The Effect on the Body

One of the popular myths that have been used to discourage individuals from cracking their knuckles is that it leads to arthritis. This is not true. According to medical studies, knuckle cracking does not lead to arthritis in the joints. Nevertheless, constantly cracking your joints could lead to overuse injury, in the long run, meaning that you can cause further damage.

Factors affecting joint cracking

Although joint cracking is a typical body phenomenon, several factors can enhance or hamper it. Here are some of these factors:
  1. Age: As you age, the cartilage between the bones may wear down, leading to more gas bubbles and more significant cracking sounds.
  2. Hypermobile joints: Those who have naturally loose or flexible joints have more room for the gas to escape, making it more likely to create that popping sound.
  3. Lifestyle: Behavioral habits such as repetitive movements, heavy lifting or trauma from a recent injury can build up gas pockets in your joints, leading to more cracking sounds.

If the cracking sound is accompanied by pain

If you experience pain when your joints crack, it's a good idea to see your doctor to get a proper diagnosis. While it's unlikely to be a significant issue, it's always better to be cautious.


In conclusion, joint cracking is a very common phenomenon, and there are many different reasons why our joints may make popping sounds from time to time. While it usually isn't a cause for concern, it's essential to remember that overuse of excessive cracking could lead to injuries to the ligaments around the joints.


1. Does joint cracking lead to arthritis? According to medical studies, joint cracking does not lead to arthritis in the joints. 2. Is cracking your knuckles bad for you? Although cracking your knuckles is unlikely to cause arthritis, constant cracking fractures the ligaments surrounding your joints, leading to overuse injury in the long run. 3. Can joint cracking help relieve stiffness? Yes! Cracking joints may give temporary relief from stiffness as the resulting movement may help stretch and loosen tight ligaments. 4. How can I stop myself from cracking my joints? Keeping yourself occupied with tasks like chewing gum or fidget spinners can keep your fingers busy and prevent your mind from focusing on cracking your joints. 5. What should I do if cracking joints causes pain? Any pain caused when your joints crack is not natural and requires medical attention.

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