25.03.2021 • 

4.01 Discussion: Misleading Advertisements & Commercials 3838 unread replies.3838 replies.
Do some research to demonstrate what you have learned. Find a recent product advertisement, within the last five years, that you believe is misleading. The advertisement should be nutrition/health/fitness related products and should not be alcohol, tobacco, or intimacy oriented. A picture of fast food product alone, such as a hamburger, should not used. Remember, this should be an advertisement that YOU believe to be false based on what you learned in the lesson, not an article about a company that was sued because of their false claims.

You must screenshot the advertisement or provide the link along with a description in order for your instructor and classmates to be able to view it. Then, explain "how" or "why" you find it is misleading based on what you have learned in this lesson. (Include statement about Ethos, Pathos, Logos, Myths, or Fallacies. ) Your summary should be written with depth enough to demonstrate your understanding of the course content. (Minimum of 5 sentences) You will be posting it on the discussion board. then responding to TWO classmates posts to earn full credit. When writing to classmates, you must write quality posts that dig deep and inspire quality conversations about ways advertisements can be misleading. With what do you agree/disagree and why? So in total, you should have three points of discussion on this discussion board.

To post your response, go to the bottom and find the line that says "reply". This is where you will type your response.

***If, after receiving your grade, you do not receive full credit on this assignment and wish to resubmit it, be sure to text or email you instructor once you have made your corrections as this assignment will not return to their grading box.

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