24.11.2021 • 

According to the American Heart Association, as you exercise you should periodically check your heart rate to ensure you are in your target zone. Your target zone is a range that is 50% to 85% of your maximum heart rate. The formula for calculating a persons maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age in years. Write a program that reads the users current heart rate, birthday, and the current day (each consisting of month, day, and year). The program should calculate the persons age (in years), the person's maximum heart rate, and the person's target heart rate zone range. Output the users age, current heart rate, target zone range. If their heart rate is in the target zone congratulate them, if it is out of their target zone warn them. Required Functions (Write these first and use them in your algorithm): (your code, particularly for computeAge, must be 100% clear and documented - it's the core of this assignment!) int computeAge(int birthMonth, int birthDay, int birthYear, int currentMonth, int currentDay, int currentYear); int computeMaximumHeartRate(int age); int computeZoneMinimum(double maximumHeartRate); int computeZoneMaximum(double maximumHeartRate).

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