20.09.2020 • 

Becky graduated five years ago and is keenly interested in pursuing leadership opportunities. She has been active in learning about leadership through workshops and Internet research and recently began a graduate degree program with a focus on nursing administration. She has excellent clinical skills and eagerly accepts responsibility for various projects on the unit. Her sarcastic and sometimes aggressive behavior tends to alienate other staff members on the unit. In coaching Becky, you:.A) Suggest that she reflect on situations in which she hashad a positive influence and consider how her interactions contributed to the situation. B) Suggest that she not consider leadership roles because her interaction skills are more suited to roles in which she has limited opportunities to work with others.
C) Ask staff members on the unit with whom she works to provide her feedback about ways in which her behavior irritates or turns them away.
D) Encourage her to continue her graduate courses, as information about strategies and technical aspects of the role will compensate for negative interactions.

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