06.11.2020 • 

Fill in your goal for the Team Zone module. My Goal: I will everyday. Example → I will play one game of tennis with my friend everyday. Exercise for at least 420 minutes per activity log. Warm up and cool down for safety. Write your daily exercise here: Day Date Physical Activity Minutes Example → Sunday April 5th, 2017 tennis 60 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday *Add or remove days as needed Reflect and write your answers to the questions: Tell about a time when you used teamwork to succeed in getting a job done. Describe the teamwork and why it helped you succeed. Identify the activity you chose to participate in with others and describe how you modeled being a good sport. Explain which dual and individual activities you enjoy playing most and why you like them. Identify one physical activity you might be interested in participating in that is available in your community. Explain why you would choose this activity. Discuss a team sport, outdoor pursuit or aquatic activity you participated in and how it is improving your health-related fitness. Identify a team sport from another country that you have seen or read about and compare/contrast it to a team sport played in the United States. A strategy is a plan of action to get something done. Describe a situation in any area of your life where you needed a strategy to accomplish a task. Explain a different strategy to check progress toward a health and fitness goal. Did you meet your goal throughout this activity log? Why or why not?

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