20.05.2021 • 

Saved Help STON HOSPITAL Healthcare Way • SOMEWHERE, FL 32811. 407-555-6541 TIENT: TURNER, CHARLES CCOUNT/EHR #: TURNCHO01 ATE: 10/01/21 tending Physician: Renee O. Bracker, MD - This 27-year-old male was brought to the ED by ambulance after he was found unconscious on the living room floor. le regained consciousness within several minutes but complained of a severe headache and nausea. Pt states that the ast thing he remembers he was on a ladder, changing a light bulb. He believes he lost his balance trying to reach too ar and fell, hitting his head on the end-table. O: Ht 5'10", Wt 195 lb., R 16. Head: Scalp laceration on the right posterior parietal bone. Bruise indicates trauma to this area Eyes: PERRLA. Neck: Neck muscles are tense; there is minor pain upon rotation of the head. Musculoskeletal: All other aspects of the shoulders, arms, and legs are unremarkable. X-rays of skull, two views, and soft tissue of the neck are all benign. Prev 1 of 25 Next > 10:58 AM Desktop 0 E - 5/20/2021​

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