01.03.2021 • 

So i guess im going through something again. My acne is out of control even though i wash my face twice a day and shower twice a day. And its kind of embarrassing bc i dont really like wearing makeup unless i have to because i have been called naturally pretty so i dont wear anything but mascara. AND does anyone know how to stop ingrowns from shaving? I dont have bumps on my legs but i use shaving cream on my legs. And my legs are very pron to getting ingrowns/ razor bumps but im talking about a place were its much thicker and harder to shave. So in order prevent / treat / stop ingowns what do i need to do? Here is my SHOWER routine on the weekends when i shave.
1. Get hair wet / body
2. put Auzzie mineral work shampoo in scrub for about 3 min then rinse
3. Put Azzie conditioner in and work it in for about 1 min then let sit.
4. Well conditioner sits i grab my fofee thing and put so smell good soap on it and then i scrub then rise of the soap.
5. Brush teeth.
6. Rise the conditioner out. Then wash face.
7. Use vanilla scented Tree Hunt body scrub
8. Get shaveing cream on my LEGS and then shave and rinse.
9. Do same under arms and down under.
10. Rise when done.
11. Then use cucumber body polish. Rise
10. Dry then use Minted or what ever smell i feel like using lotion on my legs / arms / stomach.

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