15.06.2020 • 

Which qualities are characteristics of healthy peer relationships? Check all that apply. promotes security and trust
conveys mutual respect
encourages the sharing of feelings
supports behaving alike
includes good communication
inspires dressing alike

Social and emotional maturity are intertwined. Therefore, as teens’ emotional maturity increases, their relationships with their peers change as they become more vulnerable and emotionally intimate with their peers. This increased vulnerability and intimacy requires greater trust among peers. Thus, during the adolescent years, teen peer groups become increasingly important as teens experience more closeness in these friendships and more gratifying relationships with their peers as a result. Teens now turn to one another, instead of their families, as their first line of support during times of worry or upset. This increased reliance on friendships is yet another way that teens demonstrate their growing independence.
– “Teens and Peer Relationships,”
Angela Oswalt

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