21.01.2021 • 

05.01ADV It's Manifest Destiny! Advanced
Use this guide to help you complete 5.1 advanced. You must complete all 3 steps.
1. Choose a trusted adult to interview or to help you locate someone to interview. Be
sure to obtain permission before asking questions about a person's move.
2. Once you have permission and a set time, conduct the interview. Use the following
questions as a starting point. You may also add your own questions. Make sure to
include the person's name and contact info.
1. From where did you move? Where do you live now?
2. Describe differences between the two places.
3. What was the main reason for your move?
4. What were the largest costs of your move?
5. What was the most challenging part of the move?
6. Was moving to your new area worth the costs and challenges? Explain why.
7. What advice would you give someone making a similar move for similar reasons?
3. Reflect on the interview. Answer the following questions in two detailed paragraphs
of at least three to five sentences:
• Which category from the lesson best describes his or her reasons to move?
What would motivate you to move out of state?
Was your interviewee an intracounty or intercounty mover?
How would you prepare for a move?

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