23.04.2021 • 

07.03 SWBS Chart and Reflection The "Somebody-Wanted-But-So" chart is an excellent way to summarize important information from history. In it, you identify a person or group of people, their goal, need, or want, what conflict of interest stood in the way, and the outcome. This strategy works great because history depends on the needs, wants, and actions of humans.

Part 1 – Complete the following chart using information from the lesson. One example appears for you. Print the chart.

SWBS Chart
Somebody ...Wanted ...But ...So ...
Betty FriedanTo understand why many women her age were discontent despite material comfort and familyThe mainstream media did not acknowledge that women in the 1950s had any reason to be unhappy, unless they had ambitions outside the homeFriedan surveyed many young wives and mothers and wrote The Feminine Mystique, which helped bring attention to the issue of women's lack of opportunity and rights

Native Americans


Part 2 – Answer the following questions in a complete paragraph of your own words.

What advances did the Women's Rights Movement make in the 1960s and 1970s? How was the movement similar to those of the Mexican Americans and Native Americans?

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