12.07.2019 • 

1. describe the process that led the first people to come to the americas.
2. how did agriculture, specifically corn cultivation, shape the early americas?
3. compare and contrast the life of the incas and aztecs to the life of the native peoples in north america.
what are some of the "indirect" reasons for european exploration of the new world?
how and why does the practice of european slavery start with the portuguese exploration of africa?
6. how does the renaissance create a spirit of exploration in europe?
7. describe the columbian exchange, and be sure to explain what is transmitted from the old world to the
new world as well as the new world to the old world.
8. how did the treaty of tordesillas benefit the spanish? what conquistadores explored the new world,
and what areas did they claim for spain?
9. how was cortés able to conquer the aztecs?
10. how did the conquering of mexico by cortés change the culture of the area?
11. describe the response of the native pueblos to the creation of spanish missions in new mexico.
12. why did the spanish establish settlements in texas?
13. describe the spanish presence in california.
14. using the last two paragraphs of the chapter, describe the overall impact of the spanish on the new

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