19.11.2020 • 

1. How does John Green define nationalism? the nationalism do make many group and make work the together and nationalism is make other nations in country. 2. John Green gives two different theories for how people become a nation: organic process and government construction. What is some evidence he offers for each?
become the nation work to the people and reader the history. and

3. What were some internal and external factors that made the Shogunate government of Japan unstable by the mid-nineteenth century?
4. What changes did the Japanese nationalist rebels bring to Japan once they removed the shogunate?
5. What connection does John Green make between Japanese nationalism, modernization, and empire?

6. You’ve watched videos and read articles about the political revolutions of the eighteenth century. How do you think those political revolutions affected the types of nationalism that emerged in the nineteenth century?

7. John Green says that nationalism was a “global phenomenon”. How do you think it became global? What are some ways that ideas about nationalism might have spread so quickly to the Ottoman Empire, India, China, and Japan?

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